Monday, February 6, 2023

Twisting To Mirror The Culture Instead Of Christ

In his letters to Timothy, the apostle Paul described in detail the appalling apostasy that would arise from modern pulpits. Paul forewarned that churches would turn away from solid Biblical truth, twisting to mirror the culture instead of Christ.

2 Timothy 3:3-4 KJV – “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.”

Recent comments by megachurch “pastor” Andy Stanley regarding homosexual “Christians” were a clear illustration of Paul’s word of warning.

“A gay person who still wants to attend church after the way they’ve been treated, I’m telling you, they have more faith than I do. They have more faith than a lot of you,” Stanley insisted. “I know the verses, I know the clobber passages, right… I know First Corinthians 6, and I know Leviticus, and I know Romans 1; it’s so interesting to talk about all that stuff… God said no, and they still love God? We have some things to learn from a group of men and women who love Jesus that much.”

Stand Up For The Truth host David Fiorazo responded to the megachurch leader’s statement, underscoring that Stanley “is certainly not a Biblical preacher of the truth.”

“He is calling the Word of God ‘clobber passages’ when it mentions Biblical parameters for sex—when the Bible mentions Biblical sexuality. Sodom and Gomorrah that could be a ‘clobber passage,’ but that just happens to be world history,” Fiorazo stated on his podcast.

“You now have to be very careful what you call a church,” he stressed. “Anybody can be a church, and you can represent anything. It doesn’t have to be Biblical anymore. In fact, that’s the norm. These seeker sensitive, conforming to the world groups, associations, and organizations—who happen to meet in a building and still go by the banner of ‘church’—are certainly not the New Testament church, from a Biblical understanding.”

Answers In Genesis Founder and CEO Ken Ham also weighed in on the discussion.

“Andy Stanley is very influential in the church with one of the largest churches in the USA,” he lamented. “If you judge what he’s saying against Scripture, I believe you can come to no other conclusion than what the prophet Isaiah stated in Isaiah 56:11.”

Isaiah 56:11 KJV – “Yea, they are greedy dogs which can never have enough, and they are shepherds that cannot understand: they all look to their own way, every one for his gain, from his quarter.”



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