Wednesday, September 7, 2022

A third of senior pastors in the US believe salvation comes from being a good person

At least a third of senior pastors in the United States believe that the Holy Spirit is merely a symbol of God’s power, and that you can enter the Kingdom of Heaven simply by being a good person. 

According to a nationwide study by the Cultural Research Center at Arizona State University, a large number of church leaders believed that moral truth is subjective, including whether or not it’s ok to have sexual relations before marriage.

Others said that the biblical teaching on abortion was ‘morally ambiguous.’ 

According to the data, just 37 per cent of US pastors are defined as having a “biblical world view.” 

The results suggest a “loss of biblical belief among pastors in all denominational groupings.” 

In more specific numbers, three in 10 Evangelical pastors do not believe that their salvation is based on confession, or even accepting Jesus Christ as their saviour. 

The survey – labelled the American Worldview Inventory – was conducted in early 2022. 

In it’s conclusion, the researchers said: “Much like other Americans, the pastors who do not have a biblical worldview are unlikely to fully embrace a competing worldview (such as secular humanism, 
marxism, or others). In fact, less than one per cent of pastors embody a worldview other than Biblical Theism (i.e., the biblical worldview). 

“Instead, their prevailing worldview is best described as Syncretism, the blending of ideas and applications from a variety of holistic worldviews into a unique but inconsistent combination that represents their personal preferences. More than six out of 10 pastors have a predominantly syncretistic worldview.”


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