Monday, August 30, 2021

Bible Prophecy Accelerating As Israel Plans For Attack On Iran Nuclear Program

As Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett arrived in Washington, DC ahead of his meeting with US President Joe Biden, the Israel Defense Forces revealed that it has accelerated its plans for a possible strike on Iran’s nuclear program.

Iran’s progress toward developing nuclear weapons “has led the IDF to speed up its operational plans,” which were addressed in a recently approved defense budget, IDF Chief of Staff Aviv Kochavi told reporters Wednesday.

The issue of Iran’s nuclear program, and the currently stalled talks among world powers on reviving the 2015 nuclear deal, are expected to be atop the agenda on Thursday when Bennett meets with Biden at the White House, his first such visit.

The military said that Maj. Gen. Tal Kalman, the head of its Iran file, is at work on operational plans to attack Iran’s nuclear program as well as its missile and rocket sites, Walla reported.
The IDF assesses that Iran does not immediately plan to increase its enrichment of uranium beyond the 60% level, but that Tehran is unlikely to compromise in the talks over returning to the deal.

An Israeli official had warned on Monday that Iran’s program was at “the most advanced point” yet in terms of uranium enrichment, calling its progress “dizzying and worrisome.”
With no diplomatic options likely to push Tehran to stop its nuclear program, Israel’s military believes that the Islamic Republic needs to be aware that should it continue with its program, it will face harsher sanctions and a true military option to stop it.

Twenty-six centuries ago, Ezekiel described a last days alliance that will invade Israel from the north. The Bible says a man named Gog will lead this massive invasion force (Ezekiel 38:2-6). Here are the nations who will join Gog, followed by their modern day names:

Rosh = Russia

Magog = Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Afghanistan (Afghanistan’s shift back to the Taliban now makes this possible)

Persia = Iran

Cush = Sudan

Put = Libya

Meshech, Tubal, Gomer, and Beth-togarmah = Turkey

In the past two decades, Russia and Iran have become close allies. Russia is one of the few world powers that consistently defended the existence of Iran’s nuclear program, which should be expected since they helped fund the work and sent Russian scientists to help develop it.

Turkey, which used to be an ally of Israel and pro-West has made a dramatic shift over the last decade. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has slowly been consolidating power in Turkey. Ataturk’s Turkish Republic is dead. Its secular government is gone. In its place, Erdogan is building an Islamic Republic aligned against Israel. The relationship between Vladimir Putin and Erdogan is also strong and growing.

The leaders of these three countries have met several times to increase co-operation among their nations… just as Ezekiel predicted they would.

All of these events appear to be leading us to the war of Gog & Magog as described in the Bible.  Many Bible prophecy scholars have speculated as to what the trigger for this conflict might be.

A first strike attack by Israel against Iran’s nuclear program would certainly lead to a military response by Iran.  Such an attack would provide Russia, Turkey and others the excuse they need to launch an invasion of Israel.

With Israel attacking first, it would be hard for other nations to justify defending her – which is why Ezekiel also suggests that other nations will protest the invasion but do nothing about it.  Did Joe Biden’s decision regarding Afghanistan just set a precedent for this?

However, it is through this battle that God shows Himself the protector of Israel and wipes out the invading armies.  Much of the after battle descriptions detailed in Ezekiel sounds like the result of nuclear fallout and one has to wonder if Israel uses tactical nukes in defending itself. It would be the only way practically speaking they could defend themselves against such a coalition of nations.  How God will supernaturally intervene remains to be seen.
Israel has put the world on notice.  They will not let Iran get the bomb.  They are making operational plans to take out their nuclear program and even openly budgeting for it.  Will this be the trigger for accelerating God’s prophetic timetable?

The clock to fulfilling this prophecy appears to be speeding up.  Stay tuned…


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